• Atheist outreach at Halloween parades

    Sometimes it’s great to get away from online drama and go out into the world for a bit of real life drama. Last night, the Oklahoma Atheists participated in the annual Halloween parade, in an attempt to let people know we exist and aren’t actually scary monsters as your pastor would have you believe. I already wrote up the event on the AOK group blog, for the sake of other groups that might be interested in taking on such an event, but now I’d like to add a few more personal observations here.

    First off, for the religious haters. Yelling nasty things at us isn’t about to make us want to join, or even visit your church. Also, your kids are adorable in their little costumes, but you should think twice about teaching them to yell hateful things. Someday, they are going to be telling their therapists all about you. Also, you should know that we Bible belt atheists encounter Christians sharing the gospel a dozen different ways, seven days a week. Jewelry, t-shirts, car stickers, little colloquialisms like “Have a blessed day” and outright bloviating about family values. We almost never take the trouble to harass or belittle them for it, so how about a little “Do unto others” reciprocation? We’re here, don’t jeer, get used to it.

    As to those of you covering your children’s innocent eyes, I’m sorry to  tell you this, but our kids go to school with yours. You may have prevented your surprisingly literate pre-schoolers from reading our signs, but they are eventually going to meet children who have a strong moral compass and no particular religious indoctrination. Once again, you’re just going to have to get used it.

    To those few of you who tried to express your faith in a loving way, I commend you. Seriously, I do. We can hear the difference in your tone and in your words. To whomever yelled out “Jesus still loves you guys,” I got that you meant it in a good way. I’d be happy to visit your church and hear you guys out. It’s not like we’ve never done that before.

    As to the cheering sections, as Bro. Sam would say, goddamn! Who were you guys and why don’t we already know you? Shout out to the Ghostbusters in particular, you guy were amazing in your subtly skeptical gear. It was very heartening to hear people yelling positive things, especially since we were alternately heckled and given the silent treatment. Way to express yourselves. Please do drop by and visit us on Facebook or Twitter sometime.

    Finally, as to the argument that we were somehow politicizing an otherwise harmless spot of seasonal fun, I mean, come on. With the possible exception of the bicycling sock monkeys (one of whom happens to be a local political activist) pretty much everyone was there to promote their business or group. Even the pole dancers. (I hope those poles were heated, because those guys weren’t wearing much.) Christians will still have the entire Christmas season to publicly lord their sociocultural dominance over every other faith. Probably it’s okay to let us unbelievers have just a couple minutes of open expression without turning it into the proverbial two minutes hate.

    I hate to end on such a down note, so here are some random Sock Monkeys On Parade. Enjoy!






    Category: ActivismFree ExpressionPoliticsSecularism

    Article by: Damion Reinhardt

    Former fundie finds freethought fairly fab.