  • Kurdish Oath

    I can’t vouch for the authenticity of this, but it seems pretty cool. I found it on a comment on a Yahoo News Article:

    For general interest I copied down the oath given to a new group of fighters with the PKK. The Kurdish YPG fighting in Kobane are a different organization and their oath may be different, but it is actually many of the same people.

    (Administered to a group of new fighters
    Each line was spoken by the leader and repeated by the group. They have one hand over their heart and the other hand on the flag)

    I will fight
    without doubt
    against the spirit of slavery.

    Against domination,
    of the patriarchal system.

    I will join the ideological revolution
    thanks to the strength of my ethics
    and morals.

    I will rediscover the purity
    of the Stone Age
    in the hope
    of obtaining

    I will respond with honesty.
    and with courage.

    Such is the nature
    of my oath
    to President Apo,
    to KADEK
    to PJA
    to the resistance in the mountains
    and in prisons,
    to our heroic martyrs,
    to our people
    and to humanity.

    I swear.
    I swear.
    I swear

    Category: IslamPolitics


    Article by: Jonathan MS Pearce