  • SINergy: Skeptic Ink’s New Vodcast/Podcast!!

    We are working, here at SIN, to offer readers of the network a range of ways of interacting with what we do, to stay ahead of the game. We have our media channel, called SINergy, which hosts interviews we have all been involved in, and other such things. Now it will host our new vodcast / podcast which will be available in video and audio.thumb sin 2

    We have so far recorded our first episode which is available on You Tube and from iTunes and the podcast host. At the moment we are using podcast garden as our free host since they offer unlimited storage space, and our videos are an hour or so long, so other hosts do not offer this for free. However, if we decide to pay for the hosting, we might opt for a better provider.

    This is a work in progress, and we will see if it is successful enough as a project to continue to do them. There will be some technical / organisation / compositional issues which we will want to sort, but, that said, any feedback will be welcomed.

    Here is the You Tube video, at the moment on my channel, but it will also be on the SIN channel:

    And here is the RSS feed for sorting out the podcast subscription in audio format:


    The podcast page can be found here.

    The first episode features:

    • What is skepticism?
    • Toward a Secular Society: persuasion on the internet
    • Science and Science News; Tomorrow’s World Today: The A nthropocene Era
    • 13 Reasons To Doubt

    With panelists:

    • A Tippling Philosopher
    • Skeptically Left
    • Smilodon’s Retreat
    • Incongruent Elements

    Category: FeaturedPodcastSkepticism


    Article by: Jonathan MS Pearce