  • Quote of the Day – jozhek

    OK, so it’s not here on my site, but on James A. Lindsay’s (whose book Dot, Dot, Dot: Infinity Plus God Equals Folly I have just edited) site, God Doesn’t; We Do, in a debate with apologist Tom Gilson.

    If the Christian god exists it could be observed and then described; not defined. Definitions apply to concepts and not to existing entities. If multiple gods exist and could be observed, then the concept ”gods” can be defined by taking note of their essential similarities. Observation and evidence come before definition. If another such being were then to be observed the evidence could be used to determine whether that entity fit the definition of gods. I don’t think Christians would be too happy considering their god as one among many even if they all definitely existed. In the real world all we have are imagined gods. Both the imagination and concepts are mental activity of our consciousness. Since concepts are defined, the desire of a Christian to mistakenly define and not simply describe his god only highlights its imaginative nature. Only real entities can be described.

    I love those last couple of sentences. It’s about defining god from some kind of accepted characteristics, but even those are contested amongst Christians. So all you get is abstract definition in the intellectual realm. Actual description just doesn’t happen.

    Category: God's CharacteristicsPhilosophy of Religion


    Article by: Jonathan MS Pearce