  • 2 counter-apologetics segments available!

    Two episodes of Skepticule have become available with my counter-apologetics segment, called Pearced Off.

    The first episode (44) features my piece on free will as an incoherent gift from God, which can be found here. My segment starts at 29.10.

    The second episode (45) includes my piece on the incoherence of hell. Check it out, it’s a cracker (of course)! Download from here, looking for the Direct Download link. My segment starts at 15.00. Please listen to the whole podcast though!

    The show notes to each episode are useful resources and links to refer to sources and articles mentioned in the podcast.

    As ever, let me know what you think.

    Category: ApologeticsFree Will and DeterminismHellPhilosophical Argument Against GodPhilosophy of Religion


    Article by: Jonathan MS Pearce