  • The moral molecule


    My reading is a bit non-linear at the moment – I’ll eventually get back to the series on Brian Greene’s multiverse book…

    One of the stand out books for me in the last few months is The Moral Molecule by Paul Zak.  The central thesis of the book is that our intuitive sense of morality is largely governed by a molecule known as oxytocin.  Why do we do “good” things even when we could probably get away with being mean but making more cash?  Oxytocin.  It seems that oxytocin is the answer to a bunch more interesting questions.  I thoroughly recommend the book – one of the most engaging volumes I’ve read in a while.  One day I might write a more detailed review.  But for now, here’s a TED talk given by Zak, which covers some of the themes of the book:

    Here’s Zak’s website: The moral molecule.

    Category: Morality


    Article by: Reasonably Faithless

    Mathematician and former Christian