  • Craig’s Calamitous Cock-Up


    I made this video a while ago, inspired by a debate between Bart Ehrman and William Lane Craig on the resurrection of Jesus.  In that debate, Craig appealed to Bayes’ Theorem in support of the claim that Jesus rose from the dead, and I feel that Craig’s approach was highly problematic.

    In the video:

    1. I briefly argue that the evidence for the resurrection boils down to the existence of some reasonably serious resurrection claims.
    2. I explain Bayes’ Theorem, and provide plausible estimates of the various parameters involved in the probability ratio it provides.
    3. Finally, I deduce that the probability of Jesus’ resurrection claim being true is equal to the probability that any other reasonably serious resurrection claim is true.
    4. I also briefly consider the question of whether Craig was intentionally dishonest.

    A lot more could be said, and I hope to go into more detail in the future.  I am posting this video here for two main reasons:

    1. I feel it might be of interest to my readers.
    2. Some of the detailed discussions started in the youtube comments section would be easier to have in this environment, where comment lengths are not so restricted.

    Category: Bart EhrmanChristianityGodJesusMathematicsMiraclesProbabilityResurrectionWilliam Lane Craig


    Article by: Reasonably Faithless

    Mathematician and former Christian