It is hilarious to watch throngs of Muslims in the heart of London finding time again to defend the holiness of the prophet, once they are done protesting child “marriages”, abusive treatment of women and children by Sharia courts, imposition of Sharia rule on non-Muslims by thugs, and hostile takeover of mosques by Saudi Arabia…on freaking British soil .OK, they never protested any of that, but still, given all the talk of “Islamophobia”, you might think they could be a little more PR-conscious?
The crowds gathered near Prime Minister David Cameron’s office in London’s Whitehall government district carrying placards with slogans such as “Stand Up For the Prophet.”
Sunday’s protest organizers condemned the Paris attacks, but said the magazine should not publish cartoons of the prophet.
Imams delivered speeches and the crowds paused to pray before handing in an online petition to Cameron’s office signed by over 100,000 Muslims.
The petition, organized by a group called Muslim Action Forum, denounced those who had produced cartoons of the prophet, calling them “an affront to the norms of civilized society”.
A leaflet circulated by the event’s organizers said depictions of Mohammad by Charlie Hebdo and others was “a stark reminder” that freedom of speech was “regularly utilized to insult personalities that others consider sacred”.
Yeah, that is kind of the point of having freedom of speech, you know? Also, “civilized” does not exactly mean “subdued”!
But if you like their words, you’ll love their actions:
Many of those present carried placards quoting the controversial comment by Pope Francis in which he said: “Insult my mum and I will punch you.” Most of the protesters were divided into separate groups for men and women.
Incitement of violence, and gender apartheid! Very Islamic indeed. Also the “liberal” Pope is a godsend for the fascists, no questioning that.