  • Breathtaking brazenness: Man brutally stabbed to death in London by suspected Islamists

    This is absolutely stunning. How can something like this happen in broad daylight?

    Dramatic footage has emerged of the suspected terrorist attack near the London barracks that left one man dead, showing a suspect with blood-covered hands using jihadist rhetoric to justify the violence.

    Brandishing a cleaver and a knife, and with the body of the victim lying yards away, the man said: “We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you. The only reason we have done this is because Muslims are dying every day. This British soldier is an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.”

    “We must fight them. I apologise that women had to witness this today.

    “But in our land our women have to see the same. You people will never be safe. Remove your government, they don’t care about you.”

    The man then walks away and talks to another suspected attacker.

    Later footage shows the aftermath after the two suspects were shot by police.

    The second suspect in Woolwich.
    Suspect casually chatting with a person on the street

    And the usual suspects weigh in, boring us to tears:

    The Muslim Council of Britain issued a statement. “This is a truly barbaric act that has no basis in Islam and we condemn this unreservedly.”

    Tell you what guys. First you unequivocally renounce the doctrine of jihad, and then we will talk.

    Category: Uncategorized

    Article by: No Such Thing As Blasphemy

    I was raised in the Islamic world. By accident of history, the plague that is entanglement of religion and government affects most Muslim majority nations a lot worse the many Christian majority (or post-Christian majority) nations. Hence, I am quite familiar with this plague. I started doubting the faith I was raised in during my teen years. After becoming familiar with the works of enlightenment philosophers, I identified myself as a deist. But it was not until a long time later, after I learned about evolutionary science, that I came to identify myself as an atheist. And only then, I came to know the religious right in the US. No need to say, that made me much more passionate about what I believe in and what I stand for. Read more...