  • If Dinesh D’Souza doesn’t win an Oscar for his hatchet job, there must be a conspiracy

    So, it seems that the propaganda movie 2016: Obama’s America won’t be winning an Oscar.

    But how can the Academy of Motion Pictures turn down the nomination of a movie made by none other than the infamous Dinesh D’Souza? You know, just one more hypocritical “defender of the traditional family”?

    The evangelical WORLD Magazine reports that D’Souza has been introducing his fellow right-wing activists “a young woman, Denise Odie Joseph II” as his fiancée, even sharing a room with her, while at a conference with Alex McFarland, who interviewed D’Souza when he guest hosted The Janet Mefferd Show. He told WORLD editor Warren Cole Smith that he had filed for divorce from his wife, Dixie, but according to court records he only filed the day Smith spoke to him and “under California law, that starts the clock on a six-month waiting period for divorce.”

    It turns out that his mistress was married, too.

    And it seems that the good christian D’Souza is not just adulterous, but dishonest in his business dealings as well.

    Dinesh D’Souza allegedly diverted profits from “2016: Obama’s America,” the anti-Obama movie that’s been a big hit with right wingers, to a new book project, one of D’Souza’s partners charged in a lawsuit.

    Douglas Sain also charged that D’Souza, who directed the movie, used some money to fund the affair that led to his ouster as president of The King’s College.

    And here is a sampling of the brilliant ideas D’Souza attacked president Obama with at the height of the election season:

    Why is Obama on the social issues — and I’m thinking here of abortion, I’m thinking here of gay marriage — why is Obama so aggressive in attacking the traditional values agenda? I think the reason for it is because when Obama thinks about colonialism, about the British and the French who went abroad to conquer other countries, or earlier the Spanish and the Portuguese, I come from a part of India that was a Portuguese colony at one time, I think for Obama colonialism is identified not just with the soldiers but also with the missionaries. Remember it’s the missionaries that went alongside the conquerors, the conquistadors, came to the Americas and worked on converting the Indians and later missionaries went to China, India and Japan. So I think this is the problem, Obama doesn’t like traditional Christianity because he identifies it with colonialism. Obama’s own Christianity is more of a Third World liberation theology, a very different kind of Jeremiah Wright type philosophy, summarized in the idea that America is the rogue nation in the world.

    Ultimately there’s a political divide in this country but underneath that is a moral divide, and underneath that is a spiritual divide. I think that the deepest problems facing America and the West in the end are not political, they are spiritual. This is why it makes sense even as we debate policy issues, even as we debate moral issues, to turn to the maker of the universe, this maker of the universe that isn’t just an absentee God like Obama’s dad, a kind of absentee father who got things going and then took off but a God who cares about each one of us and certainly about our country.

    But if the movie won’t be in the competition for an Oscar, it can’t possibly be that there is something wrong with the movie.

     “I was surprised,” producer Gerald Molen, who won an Oscar for “Schindler’s List,” told FOX411’s Pop Tarts column. “‘2016’ was never made with any particular award in mind nor [was it] looking for specific accolades from anyone. But as an industry practice it was submitted along with a number of other documentaries.”

    “‘2016’ loses an opportunity to compete in what most always perceived to be a fair business atmosphere,” Molen said. “But no way, it is totally unbalanced and unfair… The left rules – for now.”

    “Hollywood is seldom just about money. It’s about propaganda. And if you defy the party line, you stand no chance of winning. So when Dinesh D’Souza’s movie got passed over, I wasn’t even vaguely surprised,” noted Dan Gainor, VP of Business and Culture at the Media Research Institute. “Is that bias? Of course. Jack Nicholson was close: Hollywood can’t handle the truth. And they can’t handle disagreement. Their one-sided view of what deserves awards underlines that.”
    So if the adulterous fraud’s conspiracy theories do not match up for the Oscars, that is indicative of …yet more conspiracies. Right?
    The religious right is FSM’s gift to us for purposes of entertainment (excuse the pun).

    Category: Uncategorized

    Article by: No Such Thing As Blasphemy

    I was raised in the Islamic world. By accident of history, the plague that is entanglement of religion and government affects most Muslim majority nations a lot worse the many Christian majority (or post-Christian majority) nations. Hence, I am quite familiar with this plague. I started doubting the faith I was raised in during my teen years. After becoming familiar with the works of enlightenment philosophers, I identified myself as a deist. But it was not until a long time later, after I learned about evolutionary science, that I came to identify myself as an atheist. And only then, I came to know the religious right in the US. No need to say, that made me much more passionate about what I believe in and what I stand for. Read more...