• The bottomless pit of venom (targeting atheists) known as Fox News

    Approaching winter solstice (in the northern hemisphere) means that particular time of year is coming, here in the US: when the church-state entanglements are at their most flagrant, and atheists’ stepping up to correct them is met with sheer hatred. From absurdities such as proclaiming that Christianity is not a religion to denouncing efforts by atheists to limit illegal church-state entanglements as “war on Christmas”, the right wing’s effort to make the month of December as theocratic as possible are in full swing.

    The Freedom From Religion Foundation tweeted this link today, which is a Fox segment in which the presenters go further than talking about the supposed war on Christmas, and hyping an “assault on Christianity, freedom of speech in America.”


    According to FFRF, this could be the reason they are getting tons of hate mail these days.

    Are the Fox people this stupid? Can’t they really see that freedom of speech and religion are INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, not STATE RIGHTS? They are shamelessly trying to boosts their own ratings, while flaming hatred of a minority, and they should be called out on that.

    Category: Uncategorized

    Article by: No Such Thing As Blasphemy

    I was raised in the Islamic world. By accident of history, the plague that is entanglement of religion and government affects most Muslim majority nations a lot worse the many Christian majority (or post-Christian majority) nations. Hence, I am quite familiar with this plague. I started doubting the faith I was raised in during my teen years. After becoming familiar with the works of enlightenment philosophers, I identified myself as a deist. But it was not until a long time later, after I learned about evolutionary science, that I came to identify myself as an atheist. And only then, I came to know the religious right in the US. No need to say, that made me much more passionate about what I believe in and what I stand for. Read more...