The story of the Pakistani girl of Christian parents, who was arrested for burning pages of the Koran is by now, sadly, well known. The girl was arrested after angry mobs demanded her punishment for the alleged “crime”. And did you know how nice they were?
“People were very infuriated. But we did not let anyone break the law. No one tortured the family or burned their house.”
Yet as it turns out, the cleric who “only wanted that the law be enforced” with no regard for how cruel it was, was not holding the same law in a high regard himself. As it turns out, he was arrested for falsifying the “evidence”.
So if he lied, what was the motive? Want to guess?
Nadeem Haider, 20, a Muslim shopkeeper, said he was repelled by
the sight of Christian women, who mingled freely with men. “They spread vulgarity,” he said
and added that liquor, which is banned by Islam, is available in the Christian neighborhood.
By now the matter should be clear. For radical Muslims, practicing their faith is not enough. They want their rules to apply to everyone, Muslim or not. Victimizing a 12 year old would help put extra pressure on non-Muslims to “behave”.
And hence we get another example of Islamic love.