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Posted on Jun 16, 2013 in arguments, blogosphere, Brave Hero Radio, debate, gender, responding to arguments | 92 Comments

Brave Hero Radio – David Silverman

Justin Vacula and David Silverman

Justin Vacula and David Silverman

Author note: I am taking a short break from writing about my activism and am posting the archived version of the 6/15/13 episode of Brave Hero Radio with President of American Atheists David Silverman so that people who listened and will listen have a place to freely comment no matter their viewpoints. Stay tuned, tomorrow afternoon and evening, for more discussion about secularism and activism.

The 6/15/13 episode of Brave Hero Radio with President of American Atheists David Silverman is now available.

Listen here!

Show notes:

President of American Atheists David Silverman joins Justin Vacula Saturday, June 15 at 8PM Eastern for discussion about feminism, current events, controversy in the atheist/skeptic communities, and much more.

As always, callers, no matter their viewpoints, are welcome to join the discussion. Call the number on your screen, 718-766-4598, or click the Skype-to-call button on the show’s page when the show goes live to join the caller queue. Callers will be taken only after conversation with David Silverman has concluded.

Listen live, join the live chat, and use the same link following the live broadcast to stream and/or download the archived show.

Opening music is provided by Break music is provided by Phil Giordana.

Like what you hear? Brave Hero Radio depends on support from listeners. Please donate!


Update: The chatroom activity from the show is now available.

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