Attempting to close the gender pay gap in gross pay between men and women is the single most aggressively patriarchical, male-normative, and society-harming ideas bandied about today. To be clear: I am deadly serious about this. This is not a joke or “troll”. I know that you don’t believe me. I have to prove it. I will.
Category social justice
Nature published a paper about chimpanzees who hurl rocks at particular trees leading to cairn-like piles, leading to absurd speculation…
Mating strategy & beliefs about homosexual promiscuity key Opponents to same-sex marriage frequently use arguments such as that it would harm…
Yes. For at least two reasons. Enraged mobs are bad Walter Palmer became the target of an international rage mob.…
As reported by CNN and others, Kim Davis is back at work at the Rowan County Clerk’s office. She…
Think these 10 objections to ev psych are solid? Prepare to be surprised.
Nobody, even regressive sexists, believes there is a “gender binary”.
Yes. Yes it does. Here is how we know.
In discussions of sexual assault, people are often talking past each other, writing each other off, or battling over who should be assumed correct before the evidence is known. For these reasons, Tavris’s talk was a breath of fresh air.
While I have read quite a bit on the social justice concept of privilege, and usually written by minorities and…