Ray Hyman’s accomplishments on behalf of science, science advocacy, and skepticism are legion- enough to fill many pages. What really impresses me about Mr. Hyman is, in a word, class. He has a reputation for being respected and even liked by his academic and skeptical cohorts, but also by the parapsychology claimants he has so often criticized. He has, to an astonishing degree, internalized and behaved according to the scientific precepts of objective consideration and the detangling of ego and truth. In his written works and public appearances, he is consistently far more concerned with fomenting reason than agreement; he cultivates understanding while most of us chase mindshare. If James Randi is skepticism’s much-needed sentinel-sheriff, Ray Hyman is an impartial judge & jury, injecting some honesty and fairness in a factious land.
Category skepticism
You can read Part 1 of this series here and Part 2 here. Why agnosticism is irrational You need to…
Overheard during the description of a graduate seminar, We often make progress here by way of a disputative process… It…
If you’ve been to a secularist conference or two, or read from one of many popular blogs, you’ve heard accounts…
The claim is often made in arguments about god, usually between self-described atheists and agnostics, that you can’t prove a…
This is not a common topic in the skeptical discourse, but it is something I have been thinking about for…
I was reading Maria’s recent post So, What is a Skeptic Anyway? where she mentions her own, shall we say, pre-skepticism…