Is there a coming economic collapse due to technological unemployment? Nah. Here’s why.
Category Critical Thinking
Atheists, you do not need to think non-belief, even in bad ideas, assures a person is good or is anything like yourself.
New kinds of media, like television in the last century or the internet in this one, first register doubt in…
Yes. Yes it does. Here is how we know.
Here are a few of hard questions; Useful if you ever want conjure some serious cognitive dissonance in the minds of believers you know, do some haunting of your own.
A primatologist claims Chris Ryan has got the facts on bonobos wrong.
Almost exactly two years ago I posted a critical analysis of a talk given by Rebecca Watson at a skeptic…
Do we? In this TAM2013 talk, Russell argues we have the “extraordinary evidence.” That is to say, we have the…
I got in trouble for skipping class once in the eighth grade. It was more exciting than you might think.…
In discussions of sexual assault, people are often talking past each other, writing each other off, or battling over who should be assumed correct before the evidence is known. For these reasons, Tavris’s talk was a breath of fresh air.