• Fighting the Fakers: The Amazing Meeting 2013

    As you may have noticed from the banner in the sidebar, the world’s premier skeptic conference The Amazing Meeting is just months away (July 11-13). As this will be the first TAM I will be able to attend, I am plenty excited for it. This year the much under-rated author Susan Jacoby is keynoting. Jacoby wrote The Age of American Unreason and many other books and I am very much looking forward to her address.

    Additionally, Skeptic Ink’s own Russell Blackford is a main program speaker. I don’t want to speak for anyone, but several other SINners will also be attending, so if you want to chat and share a beer with some of Skeptic Ink’s finest, come see us at TAM! We’d love to meet you.

    Early registration discount ends soon
    You can save $50 by registering by March 31st. That’s just a week and a half left.  Still not sure? Take a look at the awesome program of events & entertainment.

    More to come.


    Category: Skeptic Ink News and Reportskepticism

  • Article by: Edward Clint

    Ed Clint is an evolutionary psychologist, co-founder of Skeptic Ink, and USAF veteran.