• The Revolution is Only Just Beginning.

    Things you need to know:

    1. Over 250 “Berniecrats” are running for Public office. Know who is in your state so you can vote for the Senators and Congressman that will support Bernie. Whether Bernie ends up as president or not, filling the government with people who have the right beliefs is something we must do. Berniecrats.net: Bookmark it!
    2. We need to continue funding the Bernie campaign and begin donating to “Take Back the Senate” and “Brand New Congress.”
    3. Find the superdelegates in your state and write them a letter like I did. My letter made three points; (a) Bringing the Sanders’ supporters and their values into the democratic party would bring the democratic party plenty of money (I appealed to their self-interest). (b) Disavowal of big money would be a huge advantage for the democratic party. (c) Sanders is more electable than Clinton.
    4. Change your party registration to independent. It’s a way to send a message to the democrats that they will have to win independents, who are largely in favor of Sanders.
    5. Last but not least, remember that a vote for Clinton is a vote for systematic corruption. Don’t be cow-towed or scared into endorsing systematic corruption in exchange for promises of the most piddling, pathetic change (“sick days for fast food workers”) a politician could make. Break the Democratic Party and vote for Jill Stein if it comes to it.


    Category: Uncategorized


    Article by: Nicholas Covington

    I am an armchair philosopher with interests in Ethics, Epistemology (that's philosophy of knowledge), Philosophy of Religion, Politics and what I call "Optimal Lifestyle Habits."