• Random Link Collection

    The Case for ‘Junk’ DNA.

    Creationist at Howard Hughes Medical Institute gets owned by Dr. Tim White. Classic.

    Raphael Lataster posts a review of Carrier’s latest. I especially like this:

    “[Carrier finds passages that] unexpectedly indicate that Jesus is a celestial – and not an earthly – figure.

    “One such passage is 1 Corinthians 2:6-10, which could indicate that Jesus was killed by non-earthly and malign beings. After all, had human authorities known who Jesus was and what his death would accomplish (their own salvation), they would have even more reason to kill Jesus, not less, as Paul asserts. It would only be Satan and his followers, who would be defeated by Jesus’ sacrifice, who would have refused to kill Jesus, had they known who he truly was. As Carrier recognises, this interpretation coheres well with the celestial Jesus’ death and resurrection portrayed in the early and non-canonical Christian document, the Ascension of Isaiah (p. 565). The latter interpretation fits minimal mythicism perfectly, while the former would at least be less expected (if not completely outrageous) on minimal historicity. In formal expression, less expected means less probable.”

    The passage in question, [1 Cor. 2:6-10] says Jesus was crucified by the ‘rulers of this age’ which may mean demons, and in this case seems to. Of course, it might be argued that Paul meant that demons used Pontius Pilate and the chief priests as tools to end Jesus’ life. That seems a little ad-hoc, but nonetheless not impossible.

    Skepchick on ‘Atheists in Prison.’

    Brain Injury Turns Man into a Math Genius.

    Old Video of mythicist G.A. Wells on Youtube.

    That’s it.


    Category: Uncategorized

    Article by: Nicholas Covington

    I am an armchair philosopher with interests in Ethics, Epistemology (that's philosophy of knowledge), Philosophy of Religion, Politics and what I call "Optimal Lifestyle Habits."