  • NUIG Equality Officer candidate draws comparisons between homosexuals and paedophiles, Nazis.

    NUIG is holding its part-time Student Union elections. Enoch Burke, of the Christian Union, is running for Equality Officer. Enoch isn’t exactly a fan of gay people, here he is protesting outside Leinster House.


    Enoch’s family ran a website which protested David Norris’ presidential campaign, purely because he is gay. Below is a screenshot.


    Enoch’s Christian Union distributed the below leaflets to protest the Students’ Union’s vote on equal marriage.


    If that isn’t enough to convince you, here are some quotes by Enoch about homosexuality.

    Homosexuals don’t “love the wrong person”. They burn with lust for other men and procure the just judgment of God.

    Yes, the gay lobby frequently employ the tactics if the Nazis.

    Its not “because it appears in a book.” Homosexuality can be shown to be physiologically and psychologically damaging.

    Once we remove the boundaries of sex from a marriage relationship of one man and one woman, there’s no stopping anywhere along the road to child abuse. Those who fight for legalisation of homosexuality are first in line to argue for a lowering of the age of consent.

    The lad doesn’t even like Catholicism.

    I can assure you that Roman Catholicism is very much an anti-Gospel anti-Christian religion which entrenches people in darkness.

    So, without a sense of irony, this guy is running for Equality Officer. May I be the first to congratulate his opponent on getting elected.

    Category: Uncategorized

    Article by: Humanisticus