  • It’s ok to fuck with atheists.

    I recently wrote about a hearing taking place in Ireland where a Health Committee is to hear from several people and advocacy groups regarding Ireland’s strict abortion laws. I wrote about it because the government had decided to give several religious groups a platform but omitted any secular organisations. Luckily though, thanks to the hard work of Michael Nugent of Atheist Ireland, the government was forced to alter this situation and they invited Atheist Ireland to the hearing so the non-religious and secularists in Ireland had a voice at the hearing. However, upon arrival Michael Nugent was greeted with the place name “Atheist Church”. Now I know that doesn’t sound like the worst of offences but think about it for a second. This hearing has come about because a woman died in agony while doctors refused to give her the abortion she needed. This hearing and the issues which shall be discussed are extremely serious, yet some clown who obviously has a grudge against atheists took this opportunity to have a little joke at the expense of atheists, and by extension it belittles what they have to say. Imagine what would have happened if the place names of any of the religious groups were represented in such a manner. How about “Catholic Cult” or “Muslim Jihadists” for example, do you think the person would get away with it? Do you think they would even consider it? No, because there would be absolute uproar, and that person would be roundly fired. But nothing like that will happen here; why? Because it’s ok to fuck with atheists.

    Category: Uncategorized

    Article by: Humanisticus