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Posted by on Sep 20, 2014 in Atheism, Books, Culture, Religion | 0 Comments

Wonderful new review of 50 Great Myths About Atheism

Via Udo Schuklenk’s Ethx Blog, here is a new review of our recent book, 50 Great Myths About Atheism.

As you’ll see, the review is by Cambridge academic Suzanne Brink, and it appears in The Journal of Contemporary Religion. I’m pleased to see such a serious and positive review in a reputable academic journal. While the book is written to be accessible to a relatively wide audience, it also relies on extensive scholarly research and contains careful argument. That has obviously been appreciated by this reviewer.

I’m a bit bemused by her comments about the Jesus and Mo cartoons that were employed to lighten up the text and illustrate some of its points succinctly. This is not the first time a positive review has chided us over those clever, gentle cartons. They do, of course, satirise various theological, or otherwise religious, claims, but surely that’s legitimate.

There’s still so much sensitivity around about any satirical comment on religion, however light hearted and good natured. Our liberal democratic societies should be long past this.