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Posted by on Aug 9, 2013 in Announcements, Philosophy | 1 Comment

Forthcoming appearances in London

I have a couple of appearances in London later in the year, one on 9 November at Birkbeck College speaking to the London Futurists, the other on 10 November at Conway Hall, put on by the Conway Hall Ethical Society. They are on quite different topics, so if you live in London or are likely to be there that weekend you can even consider going along to both.

The London Futurists talk will be on “Secularism, Liberalism, and the Human Future”, while the Conway Hall gig is about “Science and the Rise of Atheism” (and will be more closely related to the subject matter of 50 Great Myths About Atheism… though that book is quite wide-ranging and does touch on at least some of the issues that will come up in the London Futurists talk).

Be there or despair!