
Jay Diamond

JD Portrait 1 Jay Diamond is the founder of Reason4Reason – a skeptical activist group based in the San Francisco bay area. He holds dual masters degrees in engineering and business and has managed both startup companies and hundred-million-dollar programs for Fortune 50 companies. Growing up in Canada, he performed magic, studied science, and became aware of the skeptical movement. Jay has lectured around the world on science & technology, business, and skepticism.


Articles by Jay Diamond

New Year’s Resolutions Gone Bad: Motivation

I like to do a press (suspended push-up) followed by a fly (spread-eagle). Three sets of 8 and you’re jello…

Warm Up to Facts

The warm-up is a source of great confusion, a lot of ritual, and even more superstition and pseudoscience.

Re. Built.

…one day, I noticed a protruding bump on one knuckle. A trip to the doctor and an x-ray later revealed something my friends have been telling me for year… that I had a screw loose.

Failure is Success

I know, I know… the title of this blog sounds like an Orwellian plot device or the usual self-help platitudes that drives skeptics insane. Hold tight while I explain…

The Right Whey

Protein powder varies widely in price, is often mixed with other additives including creatine, caffeine, flavoring, various carbohydrates, extracts, essences, or magic potions in super-secret-proprietary proportions. They are almost always accompanied by extraordinary claims like “Improved flavor!” (which means it tastes terrible but formerly tasted worse), “Build Muscle FAST!” (Disclaimer: intense exercise not included), “Get Ripped QUICK!” (Disclaimer: intense exercise not included AND don’t expect to eat anything else).

Lessons from Mars: Barbarino vs. Albright

How much can you leg press? Those of you who frequent the gym can answer this without pause, but those who don’t generally answer “I don’t have a clue”. But that’s just wrong – you have a pretty good idea. If you are able to get out of bed in the morning, you can leg-press your body weight. That was my starting point when first attempting weight training. A healthy adult should at least be able to leg press their own weight.

10 Minutes of Pain

Sometimes I hate science. Science often tells me unintuitive things backed by evidence that I simply don’t want to know. Science is truth – and unfortunately sometimes the truth hurts.

The Anti-Secret

I’m a curler.

There – I said it.

A Skeptical Introduction to Bodybuilding Supplements

Six months after I started working out, I could see progress: I wasn’t on the verge of death during every workout. I was starting to do weight training, seeing and feeling the results. That’s when I considered augmenting my workouts with dietary supplements.

The Moment That Changes Everything

It was a chilly December afternoon. London, 2008. I was late for the tube – so I bundled up, walked swiftly around the corner, through the turnstile, when I heard the train arriving. That meant I had about one minute – let the dash begin. I leaped up several flights of stairs to make it onto the train by a whisker… and then my life changed.