In which one of my students takes a look at how somatization disorders have changed in the DSM-5
Category Teaching
In which one of my students gives an overview of a newly added disorder to the DSM-5: stereotypic movement disorder.
In which one of my students takes a look at therapies, medical and psychosocial, that have been used to treat personality disorders.
In which one of my students examines what options are available to help transgender persons have more fulfilling lives.
In which one of my students takes a look at the changes in the psychotic disorders in the latest DSM.
In which one of my students takes a look at how schizophrenia is misportrayed in the movies.
In which one of my students examines what types of therapy have been found to be useful for those with personality disorders.
In which we take a look at the often confusing world of claims regarding diet and ADHD, with a focus on what empirical literature has found.
In which one of my students takes a look at the potential impact of physical exercise on symptoms of ADHD.
In which one of my students discusses the struggles and triumphs of having a child with ID.