  • Secular Sexuality with Dr. Darrel Ray

    cropped-Secular-Sexual-Icon-03I just wanted to let my regular readers know that my friend and colleague on the Secular Therapy Project, Dr. Darrel Ray, has recently launched a new podcast called “Secular Sexuality.” For those of you who don’t know Darrel, he’s a stand up guy and a leader in the field of secular psychology:

    Dr. Darrel W. Ray is the founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Recovering From Religion. Dr, Ray has been a psychologist for over thirty years and is the author of four books: two on organizational teamwork as well as “The God Virus-How Religion Infects Our Lives and Culture” and “Sex and God-How Religion Distorts Sexuality”. He has been a student of religion most of his life and holds a Masters Degree in religion as well as a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology/Anthropology with a Doctorate in psychology. He is also the director of the Recovering From Religion program called The Secular Therapy Project; a groundbreaking effort to anonymously match interested clients with therapists who adhere to evidence based, secular therapeutic practices in their mental health treatment approach.

    His new podcast focuses on issues of sexuality and how religion has influenced how even the secular view sex. Below is a talk Darrel gave on “Sex and Secularism” to the Atheists United group in Los Angeles a couple years ago, to give you an idea of the topics the podcast will cover.



    There are three ways to listen to the podcast. You can subscribe via iTunes, listen online at Dogma Debate, or on Spreaker.


    Category: PsychologyReligionSecularism


    Article by: Caleb Lack

    Caleb Lack is the author of "Great Plains Skeptic" on SIN, as well as a clinical psychologist, professor, and researcher. His website contains many more exciting details, visit it at www.caleblack.com