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Posted by on Apr 15, 2013 in Miscellany | 0 Comments

SINergy, Skeptic Ink’s media channel, launches today

For those of you who want an easy way to keep up-to-date regarding the SiN network writers’ talks, interviews and press coverage, the network is today launching SINergy, an aggregator which is intended to highlight exactly that sort of content. It’s starting out quite sparsely populated, as one might expect, but will no doubt grow into a valuable resource over time. Head over to SINergy to check it out, and be sure to let us have your suggestions for how to improve the channel in comments.

P.S. – those wanting to bookmark a direct link to a particular writer’s media channel, this is what the link would look like for mine: – so just replace the “freesociety” in that URL with the site name you’re wanting to focus on.