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Posted by on Jul 9, 2014 in Skepticism | 2 Comments

Day 0 at #TAM2014

The Amaz!ng Meeting (TAM) is an annual science, skepticism and critical reasoning conference held in Las Vegas, happening this year from tomorrow through Sunday at the South Point Casino in Las Vegas. You can find the full schedule on Lanyrd if you’re interested in knowing what’s going to be happening, and you can follow proceedings on Twitter with the hashtag #TAM2014.

As usual, Vegas is fun, but chaotic. It’s a city of the hustle – not necessarily in an intimidating sort of way, but more that so many of the folks that approach you have something to sell, and are quite keen to attract your business. From discounted shows to offers to move to a different hotel, to the chiming of legions of slot machines waiting to lure you with false promises.

Day 0, because while registration starts at 1pm today, there are no official events scheduled. I’m sitting in the Del Mar lounge, where TAM attendees typically gather for a drink, some Cards Against Humanity, or just to take a breather from the packed schedule. My sessions are a Thursday workshop on skeptical blogging (alongside some SkepticInk colleagues), and a paper on Sunday morning titled “The responsible believer“.

The best part of the trip to Vegas this year, however, was Day -1 – last night, to be specific. This year, I was joined on the trip by 3 other South Africans – @Dr_Rousseau, @Kelltrill and @BryanGruneberg, and last night had the privilege of officiating the wedding of the latter two folks, from the balcony of a suite at the MGM Grand.


Congratulations again to the two of them – and if you happen to be here, I’m sure they’d appreciate your good wishes also.