The following graph computes the ratio of instances in the corpus of “religious humanism” to the total number of instances…
Category Damned Lies and Statistics
Google’s ngram tool makes it relatively easy to see when a new word or phrase gains traction in our culture,…
Via Caitin Dewey via Reddit: This one has been in circulation for awhile now, but I had not seen it…
Having recently read a diatribe by one atheist public figure accusing another atheist public figure of having damnably bad ideas…
If you happen to live in a red state or have lots of conservative relatives, you are probably going to…
It seems a case of peculiarly unfortunate timing that after the Supreme Pontiff went one way in 1968 and the Supreme Court…
In yesterday’s post I suggested that the only thing that needs to happen to remedy the fallout from the Burwell…
[Data source] It is to the great misfortune of the professional football franchise in Washington D.C. that they picked the…
The U.S. and China are notable outliers here, but the general trend is towards the acceptance of secular morality as…
The source data (via PRRI) are almost three years old now, no doubt in the intervening years things have shifted up…