First, there was the mural of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin:
This mural by Lithuanian artist, Mindaugas Bonanu, of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin kissing is making us hella gi…
— Collage Adelaide (@collageadelaide) May 18, 2016
Then we saw the mural of Donald Trump and Boris Johnson:
Mural of Donald Trump kissing former London mayor Boris Johnson appears in Bristol, England
— Blanche Victoria (@tammytabby) May 25, 2016
Most recently, we have the billboard featuring Donald Trump and Ted Cruz:
Trump and Cruz Seen Smooching Near Airport (On a Billboard) #RNCinCLE
— Lakewood Citizen (@lkwdcitizen) July 16, 2016
I rather doubt whether Putin, Johnson, or Cruz actually harbor any love for Trump, be it romantic, platonic, or (geo)political. That said, there remains a certain joy to be had in seeing homophobic and xenophobic men openly celebrating any sort of love, even in the form of artistically licentious slashfic.