  • Pourquoi le terrorisme?

    After every major terror attack, I see people asking why it keeps happening, and I see pundits trying to answer. Typically the answer from the left is along the lines of “western imperial hegemony,” the answer from the right is something like “They hate us for our freedoms,” and the answer from dedicated anti-theists is about how religion poisons the mind and heart. Bearing all that in mind, here is the official statement from the Islamic State about why they attacked Paris last week:

    In the name of the all merciful Allah – Allah the very Highest said “and they thought that their fortresses would defend them from Allah. But Allah came to them where they weren’t expecting it and struck terror into their hearts. He destroyed their dwellings by their own hands and the hands of believers.

    Here is a lesson, those of you who are gifted with clear sightedness. Chapter 59, Verse 2 (of the Koran). The soldiers of the caliphate, may Allah give them strength and victory, targeted the capital of abominations and perversion, the one that carries the banner of the cross in Europe, Paris.

    A group split from life over here advanced towards their enemy, looking for death in the path of Allah, securing their religion, their Prophet, and wanting to humiliate their enemies. They have been truthful with Allah and we consider them as such, Allah conquered by his own hand, and put fear into the hearts of the crusaders in their own land.

    Eight brothers wearing explosive belts and assault weapons targeted areas carefully chosen in the heart of the French capital. The French stadium, during a match of two crusaders countries French and Germany where the imbecile of France Francois Hollande was present, the bataclan where hundreds of idolaters participating in a party of perversity were assembled, in addition to other targets in the 10, 11 and 18 arrondissement- all simultaneously. The ground of Paris trembled under their feet and its roads became too tight for them. The toll of this attack is a minimum of 200 crusaders killed and even more injured, the praise and honor belongs to Allah.

    Allah helped his brothers and gave them what they hoped for (Martyrdom) – they set off their explosive belts in the middle of these infidels after having run out of ammunition. Allah will accept them amongst the martyrs and allows them to join him. France and those who follow their path have to know that they will remain the principle targets of IS and will continue to smell the odour of death for having led this crusade, for having insulted our prophet, for boasting about fighting Islam in France, for striking a blow against Muslims in the land of the Kalifate with their planes which has achieved nothing in the foul smelling streets of Paris. This attack is only the start of the storm, and a warning for those who want to learn from their mistakes.

    [Source: IBTimes]

    We can see the complaint about western hegemony present in phrases like “having led this crusade” and “striking a blow against Muslims in the land of the Kalifate,” which are reflective of French military involvement in ongoing conflicts in Iraq and Syria. The complaints about our libertine western freedoms are in there as well, referring to Paris as the “capital of abominations and perversion” and rock concert attendees as “idolaters participating in a party of perversity” at the Bataclan. Finally, as to those of us who emphasize how religion poisons the mind, a distinctly faith-based toxicity is clearly reflected throughout the entire statement. The authors lead off with scripture, attribute their attacks to the hand of god, and promise that the jihadis who achieved martyrdom are now in paradise.

    When you see your friends, family, and occasional correspondents trying to reduce the struggle between the free world and Daesh down to a single axis, please bear in mind that despite the Islamic State’s bloodyminded regressive fundamentalism, even they do not see this conflict in such reductive terms.


    Category: Current Events

    Article by: Damion Reinhardt

    Former fundie finds freethought fairly fab.