  • One of the most disgusting hatefests

    If you somehow managed to miss this clip from last night’s episode of Rachel Maddow, you’re going to want to rectify that right now.

    The events described therein are summed up fairly succinctly over at Crooks and Liars, where the event is described as “Republican candidates…participating in one of the most disgusting hatefests I’ve ever witnessed.” Here is my concise summary: Crazed anti-gay pastor says crazy anti-gay things, then interviews several GOP candidates on whether they pass an unofficial religious test for high office.

    This is all so damned amazeballs.

    I will not judge Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, and Bobby Jindal for the horrible ideas preached by Kevin Swanson, no more than I would judge Barack Obama for some of the more questionable lines uttered by Jeremiah Wright. I will point out, though, that these GOP candidates are actively seeking to conflate church and state, and thus voters should keep careful track of which social norms this particular church is promoting.

    Category: Current Events

    Article by: Damion Reinhardt

    Former fundie finds freethought fairly fab.