  • Proud to be Openly Secular

    My name is Damion, I’m an atheist, and I’m proud to be openly secular.

    photo (11)
    I’m also happy about it, but that might not be obvious


    I’ve been openly secular ever since I was outed by the Norman Transcript in 2008. For many years prior to that, I was out to everyone except my mother (and foolishly optimistic enough to think that Oklahoma newspapers would go unnoticed in Colorado).

    I’d like to briefly enumerate the joys of being out as an atheist and secularist.

    1. People hardly ever invite us to church, temple, or mosque.
    2. Door-to-door missionaries are a stimulating and enjoyable challenge.
    3. We can take an obviously moral action without having to reinterpret scripture.
    4. We can celebrate any given holidays with our families, or none of them.
    5. When we don’t get a job after a rock solid interview, we can just blame Google.
    6. We can take a time machine to any Communist country without fear of denying our faith.

    I’m almost sure there are several unenumerated benefits lurking here. Feel free to leave yours in the comments.

    Category: AtheismCurrent Events

    Article by: Damion Reinhardt

    Former fundie finds freethought fairly fab.