  • Your Awkward Moments Children’s Bibles Have Been Shipped

    When it comes to epic trolling of Oklahoma politicians, the various and diverse Satanic groups are about to get
    some stiff competition in the form of Horus D. Gilgamesh, author of the Awkward Moments Children’s Bible:

    We’ve been packing boxes destined for Tulsa, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma City, Norman, Edmond, Lawton, Stillwater – you name it! Free Bibles are on their way to Oklahoman children everywhere to support generous volunteer Bible distributors from American Atheists, the Freedom From Religion Foundation and many private citizens.

    Our illustrated Bibles normally come with the warning label, “Not For Kids!” However, this disclaimer isn’t because of any language or obscenity on our part, but because we truly don’t believe that stories of incest, rape, genocide, slavery, bigotry, and misogyny are really appropriate for kids without parental consent and/or supervision. But, if the Attorney General and the Superintendents from the great state of Oklahoma really want to promote and protect Biblical literacy – who are we to argue? After all, the Bible really is chock full of relevant content for school kids today.

    This is an exciting development, indeed! Here is a small sample of what you can find in these satirical (but disturbingly accurate) children’s Bibles:

    Please see the full letter for more. I’m going to rush out and grab some of these while supplies last.

    EDIT: Oh, my. This American Atheists publicity stunt is going to have some people upset.

    Category: ActivismSecularism

    Article by: Damion Reinhardt

    Former fundie finds freethought fairly fab.