  • Godless activists invade Oklahoma State Capitol

    Today was the big day of secular lobbying at the Oklahoma State Capitol; secular groups from all over the state converged on the legislature to let our lawmakers know that we exist and we care about religious liberty for all. Many thanks to American Atheists, William Poire, and Alli Renee for taking the lead on this project. Hope we can make it bigger and better every year!

    Here are a few photos of the event:

    In addition to the groups from Tulsa and OKC, there were secular students on hand from OCCC and OU, representatives of the Norman Naturalists and the Lawton Area Secular Society, and a voting quorum of a hitherto secret society calling itself the Edmond Area Rationalists.

    Legislators were schmoozed, a few news crews showed up, many people were interviewed. I’m so proud of everyone who was willing to put themselves out there in public, we’ve come so far from when we did everything behind closed doors. God willing, I’ll post up some news clips later this evening.

    EDIT #1: Don’t visit the Capitol without stopping by our largest, proudest, and most blatantly unconstitutional state-owned religious monument!



    EDIT #2: There is a short video up at KSWO. Go LASS!

    EDIT #3: KOCO also has a story up now.

    Category: AtheismCurrent Events

    Article by: Damion Reinhardt

    Former fundie finds freethought fairly fab.