If you’re anything like me, you spent the weekend with a huge extended family, all of whom are culturally Christian, but about half of whom are secular. Easter egg hunts, candy, NBA basketball, and (of course) a massive feast featuring pork products so as to set us apart from the other Abrahamic faiths. Good times had by all.
Given all these real world goings-on, what did we miss on the internet over the weekend?
- An excellent post at FtB outlining how Easter may have really happened
- The usual annoyingly deferential treatment from the White House
- The usual Easter Challenge from an unbeliever, and this one too
- An unusual post about German Easter laws at Friendly Atheist
- A challenging post about Passover, from Staks here at SIN
- From my favorite recipe blogger: Cute guys in weird hats
Did I miss any good Easter posts? Please let me know in the comments.