  • Monday Morning Musical Meme – Vaccination

    [Skip to 3:14 for the song]

    If the name Monty Harper sounds familiar, you may have heard of him over at Great Plains Skeptic, or possibly over at ERV, or (if you’re fairly old-school) on the Oklahoma Atheists Godcast. Or maybe right here.

    (c) 2015 Laura Reinhardt
    This photo taken right before an adorable toddler slammed smack into the music stand, taking both down

    Monty is a children’s songwriter and performer with an advanced maths degree (I know, right?) and a passion for getting kids hooked on science. We had the chance to help him record the kids’ chorus yesterday afternoon at 1st UU here in OKC, and it was a strange trip. Turns out if you want a roomful of kids who are well-disciplined like the Von Trapp family singers and know how to hit their mark rather than (say) randomly and noisily climbing the walls, probably the children of Unitarians and Freethinkers are not your best bet. After quite a few takes, though, I am cautiously optimistic that we got enough material for the ongoing video production.

    If you want to support Monty’s efforts, feel free to follow him on Patreon.

    Category: Raising FreethinkersSkepticism

    Article by: Damion Reinhardt

    Former fundie finds freethought fairly fab.