• Graph of the Week – Islam vs. FGM

    Pretty much what it says on the tin [FGM data, Islam data]
    Pretty much just what it says on the tin [FGM data, Islam data]

    Inspired by Reza Aslan’s highly publicized claim that female genital mutilation is really more of a Central African problem than a uniquely Islamic problem, it seemed fitting to do some quick-and-dirty line-fitting on African nations which suffer from both Islamic and FGM memes. The results are far from definitive, but it is certainly to soon to say that these phenomena are wholly unrelated, as Aslan does. Given that both Islam and Christianity have inherited fairly awful ideas about female sexuality and subjugation from Judaism, none of the Abrahamic faiths are off the hook here.

    Category: Damned Lies and StatisticsWhat is the harm

    Article by: Damion Reinhardt

    Former fundie finds freethought fairly fab.