…or perhaps just a harmless joke between friends, interpreted in the least charitable way. Or possibly somewhere in between. You decide:

Over at B&W, this seems to have caused a minor stir. Probably not worth addressing here, but there are just a few of things that I would like to try to clear up.
To get…what?
Presumably, you get opportunity to speak your mind to a receptive audience and to enjoy some leisure time with old friends while making new ones. Most of us in the secular movement will never have the former experience, and we have to pay handsomely for the latter.
They had nice lotion, the Alexandria Westin.
Assuming it is stocked similarly to other Westin™ hotels, I am compelled to agree.
I’m not a “blogess.”
The original (hastily-drafted) forum post read “pantheon of wrathful goddesses” but that seemed a bit too lofty and not nearly specific enough.
Blogging isn’t more of a guy thing.
I don’t need a special feminized ess word to name what I do as opposed to what normal, male people do.
No, you do not need that. Only Jenny Lawson really needs that, and come to think of it she probably doesn’t want me watering down her brand by genericizing it.
That’s so fucking insulting to women such as Taslima Nasreen, Barbara Ehrenreich, Katha Pollitt, Rebecca Goldstein, Susan Jacoby, Soraya Chemaly, Lindsay Beyerstein, to name only a few of the brilliant women who were speakers at that conference.
How so? I’ve never said anything negative about any of them; I’m an avid reader of at least three. The only one I’ve ever mentioned here (to the best of my recollection) is Rebecca Goldstein, and that was a shameless plug.
It’s also fucking insulting to CFI.
You seriously ended a post about doing motive-attribution badly by baldly attributing the worst possible motives? Okay . . .