Since Caleb Lack is too cool and laid back to promote himself, I’m going to do that right now while he isn’t looking:
It’s been confirmed! Dr. Caleb Lack, of the UCO Skeptics and author of the “Great Plains Skeptic” column on the Skeptic Ink Network, will be speaking at the next Skeptics in the Pub. His talk is titled “Sharpening & Leveling – How good communication leads you away from the truth”. The event will be at Picasso Cafe on June 9th, from 7 p.m. to around 9 p.m. we hope to see everyone there!
That is the announcement from the (relatively new) local skeptics group known as the Oklahoma Skeptical Society. Go check them out!
If you want to know whether Caleb is an excellent public speaker, go watch this video from FreeOK 2012: