  • Inspiring Women of TAM, MC Hale edition

    Recently, my brother Chas and I had the privilege of interviewing author and rhetorician Miranda Celeste Hale, one of the many inspiring women of TAM. Mostly, we talked about the Catholic church and whether it is as frightening as we had somewhat naively supposed. We also discussed the lasting value of Andres Serrano’s Piss Christ both as art and long-form anti-Catholic trolling. Whether or not we have been developing patent-pending DIY Piss Christ kits is left as an exercise to the attentive listener.

    With any luck, Chas is going to put up the official blog post tomorrow, but I’m jumping the gun and hoping that no one notices. With any luck, this wee posting will slip under the radar until it is a fait accompli.

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    Category: AtheismPodcasts

    Article by: Damion Reinhardt

    Former fundie finds freethought fairly fab.