  • FreeOK 2013 videos posted!

    The morning of FreeOK 2013, at least four people with YouTube channels showed up with HD cameras to film the event, and before the day was over we handed off our footage to Seth Andrews (proprietor of The Thinking Atheist) to edit and upload. That was less than two weeks ago today, and already he has put it all together and posted it! I can say with some confidence that these are the very best FreeOK videos ever, in terms of both production level and substantive content. My thanks go out to everyone who ran a camera, and to Seth for delivering such a high quality end product so quickly.

    Here is the list of talks:

    Emily Boyer – Secular Facts on Sexual Acts

    Dale McGowan – Raising Freethinkers

    Sean Faircloth – What YOU Can Do For A Secular America

    Zack Kopplin – Why We Need A Second Giant Leap

    Seth Andrews – Get Them While They’re Young

    Lawrence Krauss – The Greatest Story Ever Told

    Share and enjoy!

    Category: ActivismConferencesSecularism

    Article by: Damion Reinhardt

    Former fundie finds freethought fairly fab.