As you’ve probably heard, we’ve recently finished up the first-ever conference for atheists, agnostics, and freethinkers held in Oklahoma City. I’m not quite fully recovered from the weekend, but I’ve just enough steam provide a few recap links here.
The FreeOK speakers were absolutely delightful. Videos won’t be coming out for awhile (keep an eye on The Thinking Atheist channel for those) but if you’d like to hear more from them right now, we finished up and posted our speaker’s series interviews. It’s been a blast talking with people who combine a passion for positive change with a depth of subject matter expertise.
For those of you who (alas!) missed the big event but want to get a sense of how it went, I put together a social media summary on Storify, which it turns out can be used to document more positive interactions than the usual gossipy banter. Please feel free to tweet at me if you know of something good that I missed out.
Finally, there will be some major announcements coming from FreeOK soon, probably not quite the sort of things that you might expect. Please stay tuned to www.FreeOK.org and their Facebook page for updates.