  • Spotted in Edmond #1


    To those who believe that the War for Christmas isn’t an ongoing struggle, I give you the City of Edmond, an institution which uses my tax dollars (supplemented by private sponsorship) to maintain and annually erect explicitly Christian signage.

    Most of the signs scattered on public easements throughout the town celebrate various secular aspects of the holiday season, such as gift giving and general goodwill towards humankind, but a few of them (such as the one pictured above) promote a specific religious message, and so far as I can tell, it’s always the same one.

    If my opposition to these signs is to be considered part of the culture wars, or some sort of ‘War On Christmas’ then so be it. I would, however, like to ask Christians to recognize that they fired the first shots by working to actively marginalize non-Christians citizens by using the resources of the government to officially endorse their faith. You cannot blame us unbelievers for pushing back when believers are actively striving to render unto God that which belongs to Caesar, in defiance of both the Golden Rule and State Law.

    Category: Free ExpressionPoliticsTheocracyWar on Christmas

    Article by: Damion Reinhardt

    Former fundie finds freethought fairly fab.