• The Ten Commandments – 8/10


    This one should be really easy, right?

    “Thou shalt not steal.”

    Turns out that this is one of those rare times when the Bible actually admits of degrees in punishment, ranging from death (if you are caught stealing people for the slave trade) to a whole host of lesser punishments, most of which involve some form of restitution. I’ve got to say that I like the general sentiment against stealing, but the idea that people should be considered property that can be stolen (Exodus 21:16) really rubs me the wrong way. Once again, the Bible takes a perfectly decent idea and somehow mucks it up. It probably wouldn’t bother me as much but for the fact that the most common religion around these part (Southern Baptists) got their start by using this sort of theology to justify mistreating their fellow human beings, and now they have the gall to claim they’re on the ethical inside track.

    Still, I’m feeling generous and I’ll count this one in the “good ideas” column, bringing the running total up to three out of eight.


    Category: Counter-ApologeticsTheocracy

    Article by: Damion Reinhardt

    Former fundie finds freethought fairly fab.