• Help send Justin Vacula to Women in Secularism

    Skepticism is at its best as an ongoing human endeavor when a consensus emerges from many minds engaging in a process of deliberate reasoning — starting not from a single predefined position but rather from a broad diversity of distinct and competing views. The models which best fit reality are those which eventually will prove most fit in a competition for memetic survival, as critics from all sides attempt to shoot holes in every theory. This is not exactly the same as the process of peer review, publication, and citation, but there is a strong family resemblance.

    Given the above and given that “nonbelievers and skeptics are passionately debating the role of social justice, particularly in regard to gender equality and incidences of hostility toward women,” here are a few of the questions posed by the Center For Inquiry regarding currently pressing issues:

    • Which is the best path forward?
    • How can we best advance both women’s rights and secularism?
    • How do we set priorities?
    • What changes can be made to the secular movement to ensure true gender equality?

    These are excellent questions, but it would seem that the CFI has seen fit to draw on only one gender to discuss “true gender equality” and only from a relatively narrow band of progressive feminist views. It seems to me that skepticism would be better served if these questions were addressed from multiple viewpoints based on more diverse lived experiences.

    Since Justin Vacula has been vilified by many of the event speakers, but is in fact a polite, thoughtful, and well-spoken individual, I’m putting this out there to help promote genuine diversity of thought within skepticism: http://www.rockethub.com/projects/13633-send-justin-vacula-to-women-in-secularism-2


    Category: Skepticism

    Article by: Damion Reinhardt

    Former fundie finds freethought fairly fab.