I’ve been wondering whether to allow my old satirical blacklist to languish and fade, or whether to move it over here and continue updating it. Since the organizer of Women in Secularism has recently pointed out the need for a list of known sexists, I’ve decided to go ahead and rebrand and reconstitute the old list over here at Background Probability. Without further adieu, here is the new and improved list of known sexists:
- Richard Dawkins (Dear Muslima…)
- Sam Harris (rape apologist)
- Christopher Hitchens (sexist warmonger)
- Daniel Dennett (part of the problem)
- D.J. Grothe (upskirt enabler)
- Ron Lindsay (needs to STFU and GTFO)
- Steven Pinker (rape apologist)
- Abbie Smith (obvious reasons)
- Justin Griffith (briefly supported Abbie)
- Harriet Hall (wears misogynist t-shirts, one of the guys)
- Justin Vacula (vacuous shitbag troll)
- Karla Porter (horrible monster)
- Sara Mayhew (shoe-obsessed chill girl)
- Jeremy Stangroom (misogynist asshole)
- Tony Ryan (misogynist asshole)
- Russel Blackford (hyperskeptic)
- Paula Kirby (convicted violator of Godwin’s Law)
- Michael Payton (convicted MRA)
- Michael Shermer (jokes about ladyparts, it’s a guy thing)
- Mallorie Nasrallah (self-confessed chill girl)
- Phil Mason (AHP skeptic, feminism skeptic)
- Maria Maltseva (gaslighted Greg Laden)
- Ed Clint (supposedly opposed the status quo)
- John Loftus (opposed the supposed status quo)
- Kristina Hansen (mind-searingly vicious bully)
- Al Stefanelli (guilt by association)
- Damion Reinhardt (guilt by association)
- Stephen Andrew (bitching and tarting)
- Renee Hendricks (wheezing misogynist)
- Stef McGraw (misogynist parrot)
- Miranda Celeste Hale (sister punisher)
- EllenBeth Wachs (dangling dongle)
- Philippe Giordana (notorious Slymepitter, Metalhead)
If you know of anyone that needs to be added to the list, please make a note of it in the comments. No pseudonyms will be accepted, since they aren’t necessarily unique individuals and as a numbers guy I’d really hate to be caught out double-counting.